6 Months Front-End Web Development Course Overview
- Html Basic
- What is HTML?
- Basic Structure of Html
- Head Section and Elements
- Meta Tags
- External Link Tags
- Html Elements
- Html Skeleton
- The <html>, <body>, <head> And <title> Elements
- Paragraphs and Text Formatting
- Links
- Headings
- Horizontal Rules
- Line Breaks
- Images
- Optimizing Web Graphics-jpeg, Gif & Png
- Embedding Images In A Web Page
- Using Graphics, Links
- Using Background images
- Setting Image Properties Via Html
- Hyperlinks
- Href
- Name
- Title
- Methods
- Target
- Lists
- Creating Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
- Creating Ordered (Numbered) Lists
- Nesting Lists
- Creating Definition List
- Div & Tables
- Creating Of Div Tag
- Creating And Modifying Tables
- Table Coding Guidelines
- Table Headers And Captions
- Formatting Tables
- Forms
- Name, Action, Method
- Input Types
- HTML 5
- Html5 Structural Elements
- Section, Article, Aside
- Header, Hgroup
- Footer, Nav
- Html5 Semantic Elements
- Figure, Figcaption, Video
- Audio, Embed
- Meter, Details, Summary
- Progress, lime
- Html Input Types
- Color, Date, Datetime
- Email, Month, Number
- Range, Search, Tel
- Time, Url, Week
- Html5 Form Attributes
- Autocomplete
- No-validate
- Form/form-action
- Autofocus
- Multiple
- Pattern (Regexp)
- Placeholder
- Required
- Understanding CSS
- What Is CSS
- Versions Of CSS
- Types Of CSS Rules
- CSS Basics
- Adding Styles To An Html Tag
- Adding Styles To A Web Page And Web Site
- Defining Classes To Create Your Own Tags
- Defining Ids To Identify An Object
- Adding Comments To CSS
- Font Properties
- Understanding Typography
- Setting The Font Size
- Making Text Italic And Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
- Creating Small Caps
- Setting Multiple Font Values
- Text Properties
- Adjusting Letter Spacing
- Setting Text Case
- Aligning Text
- Indenting Paragraphs
- Setting Text And Foreground Color
- Decorating Text
- Setting Text Direction
- Setting Page Breaks For Printing
- Color And Background Properties
- Choosing Color
- Setting Foreground
- Setting Background Color
- Setting Background Image
- Setting Multiple Background Values
- Box Properties
- Setting An Element’s Margins
- Setting An Element’s Border
- Setting An Element’s Outline
- Setting An Element’s Padding
- Setting The Width And Height of An Element
- CSS Border
- Border
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Shorthand Border
- Rounded Borders
- Positioning
- Static
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Z-index
- Floating
- None, Left, Right, None, Inherits
- Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-classes
- CSS List
- List-style
- List-style-image
- List-style-position
- List-style-type
- CSS 3
- Backgrounds
- Gradients
- Shadows
- Text Effects
- Fonts
- 2d/3d Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations
- Masking
- Responsive
- Intro
- Viewport
- Media Query
- Images
- Videos
- Frameworks
- How To Create A Layout
- Grid System
- Basic Tags
- Contextual Colors & Backgrounds
- Table
- Bootstrap Basic Tables
- Striped Rows
- Bordered Table
- Hover Rows
- Condensed Table
- Contextual Class
- Responsive Tables
- Navigation Bar
- Inverted Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bar With Dropdown
- Right-Aligned Navigation Bar
- Fixed Navigation Bar
- Collapsing The Navigation Bar
- Forms
- Vertical Form
- Inline Form
- Horizontal Form
- Buttons
- Button Styles
- Button Sizes
- Block Level Buttons
- Active/disabled Buttons
- Images
- Rounded Corners
- Circle
- Thumbnail
- Responsive Images
- Other Bootstrap Elements
- Alerts
- Badges and Labels
- Wells
- Modal
- Progress Bars
- Typography
- Dropdowns
- An Introduction
- An Introduction to JavaScript
- Code editors
- Developer console
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- Hello, world!
- Code structure
- Variables
- Data types
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
- Type Conversions
- Basic operators, maths
- Comparisons
- Conditional branching: if, ‘?’
- Logical operators
- Nullish coalescing operator ‘??’
- Loops: while and for
- The “switch” statement
- Functions
- Function expressions
- Arrow functions, the basics
- Objects: the basics
- Objects
- Object references and copying
- Object methods, “this”
- Symbol type
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- String Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Data types
- Methods of primitives
- Numbers
- Strings
- Arrays
- Conditional Statements
- Use if
- Use else
- Use else if
- Use switch
- JavaScript Loops
- for
- while
- do/while
- Events
- Onchange
- Onclick
- Onmouseover
- Onmouseout
- Onkeydown
- Array Methods
- Array length
- Array toString
- Array pop
- Array push
- Array shift
- Array unshift
- Array splice
- Array concat
- Sort Methods
- Array sort
- Array reverse
- Array toSorted
- Math.min
- Math.max
- Document Object Model
- Methods
- Changing HTML
- Changing CSS
3 Months HTML, CSS & Bootstrap Course Overview
- Html Basic
- What is HTML?
- Basic Structure of Html
- Head Section and Elements
- Meta Tags
- External Link Tags
- Html Elements
- Html Skeleton
- The <html>, <body>, <head> And <title> Elements
- Paragraphs and Text Formatting
- Links
- Headings
- Horizontal Rules
- Line Breaks
- Images
- Optimizing Web Graphics-jpeg, Gif & Png
- Embedding Images In A Web Page
- Using Graphics, Links
- Using Background images
- Setting Image Properties Via Html
- Hyperlinks
- Href
- Name
- Title
- Methods
- Target
- Lists
- Creating Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
- Creating Ordered (Numbered) Lists
- Nesting Lists
- Creating Definition List
- Div & Tables
- Creating Of Div Tag
- Creating And Modifying Tables
- Table Coding Guidelines
- Table Headers And Captions
- Formatting Tables
- Forms
- Name, Action, Method
- Input Types
- HTML 5
- Html5 Structural Elements
- Section, Article, Aside
- Header, Hgroup
- Footer, Nav
- Html5 Semantic Elements
- Figure, Figcaption, Video
- Audio, Embed
- Meter, Details, Summary
- Progress, lime
- Html Input Types
- Color, Date, Datetime
- Email, Month, Number
- Range, Search, Tel
- Time, Url, Week
- Html5 Form Attributes
- Autocomplete
- No-validate
- Form/form-action
- Autofocus
- Multiple
- Pattern (Regexp)
- Placeholder
- Required
- Understanding CSS
- What Is CSS
- Versions Of CSS
- Types Of CSS Rules
- CSS Basics
- Adding Styles To An Html Tag
- Adding Styles To A Web Page And Web Site
- Defining Classes To Create Your Own Tags
- Defining Ids To Identify An Object
- Adding Comments To CSS
- Font Properties
- Understanding Typography
- Setting The Font Size
- Making Text Italic And Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
- Creating Small Caps
- Setting Multiple Font Values
- Text Properties
- Adjusting Letter Spacing
- Setting Text Case
- Aligning Text
- Indenting Paragraphs
- Setting Text And Foreground Color
- Decorating Text
- Setting Text Direction
- Setting Page Breaks For Printing
- Color And Background Properties
- Choosing Color
- Setting Foreground
- Setting Background Color
- Setting Background Image
- Setting Multiple Background Values
- Box Properties
- Setting An Element’s Margins
- Setting An Element’s Border
- Setting An Element’s Outline
- Setting An Element’s Padding
- Setting The Width And Height of An Element
- CSS Border
- Border
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Shorthand Border
- Rounded Borders
- Positioning
- Static
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Z-index
- Floating
- None, Left, Right, None, Inherits
- Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-classes
- CSS List
- List-style
- List-style-image
- List-style-position
- List-style-type
- CSS 3
- Backgrounds
- Gradients
- Shadows
- Text Effects
- Fonts
- 2d/3d Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations
- Masking
- Responsive
- Intro
- Viewport
- Media Query
- Images
- Videos
- Frameworks
- How To Create A Layout
- Grid System
- Basic Tags
- Contextual Colors & Backgrounds
- Table
- Bootstrap Basic Tables
- Striped Rows
- Bordered Table
- Hover Rows
- Condensed Table
- Contextual Class
- Responsive Tables
- Navigation Bar
- Inverted Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bar With Dropdown
- Right-Aligned Navigation Bar
- Fixed Navigation Bar
- Collapsing The Navigation Bar
- Forms
- Vertical Form
- Inline Form
- Horizontal Form
- Buttons
- Button Styles
- Button Sizes
- Block Level Buttons
- Active/disabled Buttons
- Images
- Rounded Corners
- Circle
- Thumbnail
- Responsive Images
- Other Bootstrap Elements
- Alerts
- Badges and Labels
- Wells
- Modal
- Progress Bars
- Typography
- Dropdowns
- 6 Months
6 Months Front-End Web Development Course Overview
- Html Basic
- What is HTML?
- Basic Structure of Html
- Head Section and Elements
- Meta Tags
- External Link Tags
- Html Elements
- Html Skeleton
- The <html>, <body>, <head> And <title> Elements
- Paragraphs and Text Formatting
- Links
- Headings
- Horizontal Rules
- Line Breaks
- Images
- Optimizing Web Graphics-jpeg, Gif & Png
- Embedding Images In A Web Page
- Using Graphics, Links
- Using Background images
- Setting Image Properties Via Html
- Hyperlinks
- Href
- Name
- Title
- Methods
- Target
- Lists
- Creating Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
- Creating Ordered (Numbered) Lists
- Nesting Lists
- Creating Definition List
- Div & Tables
- Creating Of Div Tag
- Creating And Modifying Tables
- Table Coding Guidelines
- Table Headers And Captions
- Formatting Tables
- Forms
- Name, Action, Method
- Input Types
- HTML 5
- Html5 Structural Elements
- Section, Article, Aside
- Header, Hgroup
- Footer, Nav
- Html5 Semantic Elements
- Figure, Figcaption, Video
- Audio, Embed
- Meter, Details, Summary
- Progress, lime
- Html Input Types
- Color, Date, Datetime
- Email, Month, Number
- Range, Search, Tel
- Time, Url, Week
- Html5 Form Attributes
- Autocomplete
- No-validate
- Form/form-action
- Autofocus
- Multiple
- Pattern (Regexp)
- Placeholder
- Required
- Understanding CSS
- What Is CSS
- Versions Of CSS
- Types Of CSS Rules
- CSS Basics
- Adding Styles To An Html Tag
- Adding Styles To A Web Page And Web Site
- Defining Classes To Create Your Own Tags
- Defining Ids To Identify An Object
- Adding Comments To CSS
- Font Properties
- Understanding Typography
- Setting The Font Size
- Making Text Italic And Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
- Creating Small Caps
- Setting Multiple Font Values
- Text Properties
- Adjusting Letter Spacing
- Setting Text Case
- Aligning Text
- Indenting Paragraphs
- Setting Text And Foreground Color
- Decorating Text
- Setting Text Direction
- Setting Page Breaks For Printing
- Color And Background Properties
- Choosing Color
- Setting Foreground
- Setting Background Color
- Setting Background Image
- Setting Multiple Background Values
- Box Properties
- Setting An Element’s Margins
- Setting An Element’s Border
- Setting An Element’s Outline
- Setting An Element’s Padding
- Setting The Width And Height of An Element
- CSS Border
- Border
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Shorthand Border
- Rounded Borders
- Positioning
- Static
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Z-index
- Floating
- None, Left, Right, None, Inherits
- Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-classes
- CSS List
- List-style
- List-style-image
- List-style-position
- List-style-type
- CSS 3
- Backgrounds
- Gradients
- Shadows
- Text Effects
- Fonts
- 2d/3d Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations
- Masking
- Responsive
- Intro
- Viewport
- Media Query
- Images
- Videos
- Frameworks
- How To Create A Layout
- Grid System
- Basic Tags
- Contextual Colors & Backgrounds
- Table
- Bootstrap Basic Tables
- Striped Rows
- Bordered Table
- Hover Rows
- Condensed Table
- Contextual Class
- Responsive Tables
- Navigation Bar
- Inverted Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bar With Dropdown
- Right-Aligned Navigation Bar
- Fixed Navigation Bar
- Collapsing The Navigation Bar
- Forms
- Vertical Form
- Inline Form
- Horizontal Form
- Buttons
- Button Styles
- Button Sizes
- Block Level Buttons
- Active/disabled Buttons
- Images
- Rounded Corners
- Circle
- Thumbnail
- Responsive Images
- Other Bootstrap Elements
- Alerts
- Badges and Labels
- Wells
- Modal
- Progress Bars
- Typography
- Dropdowns
- An Introduction
- An Introduction to JavaScript
- Code editors
- Developer console
- JavaScript Fundamentals
- Hello, world!
- Code structure
- Variables
- Data types
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm
- Type Conversions
- Basic operators, maths
- Comparisons
- Conditional branching: if, ‘?’
- Logical operators
- Nullish coalescing operator ‘??’
- Loops: while and for
- The “switch” statement
- Functions
- Function expressions
- Arrow functions, the basics
- Objects: the basics
- Objects
- Object references and copying
- Object methods, “this”
- Symbol type
- Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- String Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Data types
- Methods of primitives
- Numbers
- Strings
- Arrays
- Conditional Statements
- Use if
- Use else
- Use else if
- Use switch
- JavaScript Loops
- for
- while
- do/while
- Events
- Onchange
- Onclick
- Onmouseover
- Onmouseout
- Onkeydown
- Array Methods
- Array length
- Array toString
- Array pop
- Array push
- Array shift
- Array unshift
- Array splice
- Array concat
- Sort Methods
- Array sort
- Array reverse
- Array toSorted
- Math.min
- Math.max
- Document Object Model
- Methods
- Changing HTML
- Changing CSS
- Html Basic
- 3 Months
3 Months HTML, CSS & Bootstrap Course Overview
- Html Basic
- What is HTML?
- Basic Structure of Html
- Head Section and Elements
- Meta Tags
- External Link Tags
- Html Elements
- Html Skeleton
- The <html>, <body>, <head> And <title> Elements
- Paragraphs and Text Formatting
- Links
- Headings
- Horizontal Rules
- Line Breaks
- Images
- Optimizing Web Graphics-jpeg, Gif & Png
- Embedding Images In A Web Page
- Using Graphics, Links
- Using Background images
- Setting Image Properties Via Html
- Hyperlinks
- Href
- Name
- Title
- Methods
- Target
- Lists
- Creating Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
- Creating Ordered (Numbered) Lists
- Nesting Lists
- Creating Definition List
- Div & Tables
- Creating Of Div Tag
- Creating And Modifying Tables
- Table Coding Guidelines
- Table Headers And Captions
- Formatting Tables
- Forms
- Name, Action, Method
- Input Types
- HTML 5
- Html5 Structural Elements
- Section, Article, Aside
- Header, Hgroup
- Footer, Nav
- Html5 Semantic Elements
- Figure, Figcaption, Video
- Audio, Embed
- Meter, Details, Summary
- Progress, lime
- Html Input Types
- Color, Date, Datetime
- Email, Month, Number
- Range, Search, Tel
- Time, Url, Week
- Html5 Form Attributes
- Autocomplete
- No-validate
- Form/form-action
- Autofocus
- Multiple
- Pattern (Regexp)
- Placeholder
- Required
- Understanding CSS
- What Is CSS
- Versions Of CSS
- Types Of CSS Rules
- CSS Basics
- Adding Styles To An Html Tag
- Adding Styles To A Web Page And Web Site
- Defining Classes To Create Your Own Tags
- Defining Ids To Identify An Object
- Adding Comments To CSS
- Font Properties
- Understanding Typography
- Setting The Font Size
- Making Text Italic And Setting Bold, Bolder, Boldest
- Creating Small Caps
- Setting Multiple Font Values
- Text Properties
- Adjusting Letter Spacing
- Setting Text Case
- Aligning Text
- Indenting Paragraphs
- Setting Text And Foreground Color
- Decorating Text
- Setting Text Direction
- Setting Page Breaks For Printing
- Color And Background Properties
- Choosing Color
- Setting Foreground
- Setting Background Color
- Setting Background Image
- Setting Multiple Background Values
- Box Properties
- Setting An Element’s Margins
- Setting An Element’s Border
- Setting An Element’s Outline
- Setting An Element’s Padding
- Setting The Width And Height of An Element
- CSS Border
- Border
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Shorthand Border
- Rounded Borders
- Positioning
- Static
- Relative
- Absolute
- Fixed
- Z-index
- Floating
- None, Left, Right, None, Inherits
- Pseudo-elements
- Pseudo-classes
- CSS List
- List-style
- List-style-image
- List-style-position
- List-style-type
- CSS 3
- Backgrounds
- Gradients
- Shadows
- Text Effects
- Fonts
- 2d/3d Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations
- Masking
- Responsive
- Intro
- Viewport
- Media Query
- Images
- Videos
- Frameworks
- How To Create A Layout
- Grid System
- Basic Tags
- Contextual Colors & Backgrounds
- Table
- Bootstrap Basic Tables
- Striped Rows
- Bordered Table
- Hover Rows
- Condensed Table
- Contextual Class
- Responsive Tables
- Navigation Bar
- Inverted Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bar With Dropdown
- Right-Aligned Navigation Bar
- Fixed Navigation Bar
- Collapsing The Navigation Bar
- Forms
- Vertical Form
- Inline Form
- Horizontal Form
- Buttons
- Button Styles
- Button Sizes
- Block Level Buttons
- Active/disabled Buttons
- Images
- Rounded Corners
- Circle
- Thumbnail
- Responsive Images
- Other Bootstrap Elements
- Alerts
- Badges and Labels
- Wells
- Modal
- Progress Bars
- Typography
- Dropdowns
- Html Basic
Welcome to Squad Industrial Training, a front-end web development training place. Our HTML training course will help you acquire the basic skills for creating great websites and web applications.
You can soon learn HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap using a hands-on approach and practical assignments that are necessary for success in the web development field. We have experienced instructors who will nurture you with current information and best practices in web development.
You can start from scratch or enhance your skills by enrolling in our HTML classes near Zirakpur, Mohali, and Chandigarh for an ideal learning experience.
We stand out for being practical oriented in our training. We walk you step-by-step through the basics of HTML/CSS to state-of-the art design tools, guided by our experienced instructors. By the time we are done with our class, you will be a master at building responsive websites, making captivating graphics, and enhancing the user experience. Also, our industrial training center is situated right here in Zirakpur, so it will not be difficult for you to attend any training sessions if you are enrolling in an offline course.